MEET & GREET TICKET for The Jim Breuer: Freedom of Comedy Tour with Bryan McKenna
Thu, Jul 14
|Dena'ina Center

Time & Location
Jul 14, 2022, 7:00 PM AKDT
Dena'ina Center, Dena'ina Civic and Convention Center, 600 W 7th Ave, Anchorage, AK 99501, USA
About The Event
About Jim:
Not long after Jim Breuer did his first official standup giginClearwater, Florida,in1989, industry folksbeganasking him, “What’s yourpoint of view?” “I don’t know...” He searched for a meaningfulresponse to a ridiculous question. “To make people laugh?”The freewheeling,New Yorkbredcomic storyteller–who made the list of Comedy Central’s “100Greatest Standups of All Time”-is hotter than ever, aglobaltouring sensation and regular presence onradio and television whose rabid audience, he’s thrilled to note, is filled with “lifetimers.” Once folks seehim live, they’re hooked.Breuerestimates that78% of his fans have seen him “five, six, seven” times.It’s becoming a family thing, with parents even bringing young teens to see the family man and father ofthree daughters,all providing genius “dad” material for his sets.Having evolved both personally andprofessionally since the beginning,Breuer’spleasedto say he’s been F-word free for ten years andcounting.Breuer came to national attention during his seasons onSaturday Night Live(1995-98), a rebuilding erawhose cast featured Will Ferrell, David Spade and Norm McDonald. But don’t call him “Goat Boy” (oneof his characters on SNL) or ask him to do his Joe Pesci impression. Those things are eons ago. Someevenstill associate him with“Half Baked,”a stoner comedyflickfrom around that time that starred DaveChappelle and featured cameos by Willie Nelson, Snoop Dogg and Tommy Chong.The fans who got into Breuer in the new millenniumweredrawn into hiswhirlwind journeythroughhisComedy Central specialssuch as“Hardcore” (2002) and “Let’s Clear The Air” (2009), one of the highestratedcomedy specials in the network’s history–popularlyknown ashis “coming out party” as a dad,cleaning up his act and focusing on the fun and foibles of family life.His next special "And Laughter ForAll"(2013), became thehighest rated original comedy specialon EPIXto date, earning it’s spot asafamily favoriteforit'srelatable andmulti-generational humor.His latest special "Comic Frenzy"(2015)iscurrentlyavailable on Amazon Prime.Many of Breuer’s newer fans know him from the multitude of hilarious hours he’s spent as a guest onSirius XM’s “The Howard Stern Show.” Howard’s hosted some of pop culture’s biggest comedy iconsover the past 30 years, yet Breuer gets people telling him he’s their favorite guest ever. “Howard’saudiencesknow comedy,” he says. “If they come and I’m not funny, they’re not coming back.” That’snever happened and never going to. Breuerwas alsothe hostof“Fridays with Jim Breuer”SiriusXM,originally known as“BreuerUnleashed.”He currently hosts a podcast called “TheJim BreuerPodcast,”which is availableoniTunes years, Breuer has been something of a multi-media sensationcurrently appearingalongsideKevin James on“Kevin CanWait”onCBSas well as popular films“Zookeeper,” “Dick,” “Titan A.E.”and “Beer League”; hosting MTV's popular “Beach House”and VH1’s “Web Junk 20”; and beingfeatured on “Comedy Jam,” “This Is Not Happening,” “Late Night with Conan O’Brien,” “The DailyShow with Jon Stewart,” “The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson,” “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” “LateNight with Jimmy Fallon,” and “The Marriage Ref.”Since 2015,he’s shared hisdual passions for comedy and baseball (particularly his New York Mets)withthousands via his video recaps of games that he posts on Facebook. Their viral impact has been massive,with clips airing on the MLB NetworkandESPN Sportscenteramong others,and even inspiring Metsfans in other cities to hang with Breuer to root their team on.A die-hard metalhead, Breuer madehismusicaldebut, Songs From The Garagein 2016.Produced by Rob Caggiano (Anthrax, Volbeat) the album features tracks such as "RaisingTeenage Girls,"thethrowback anthem"Old School" and “Mr.Rock n’ Roll” with the one and onlyBrian Johnson of AC/DC.All Breuer aficionados know that family is everything to him, and his mission is to share the highsandlows, find the humor in theday to day,laughing withthe triumphsand tragedies and usingcomedy as atoolto conquer fear–as he did when posting videos of his wife going through cancer treatments the pastfew years.In 2008, Breuer set out for his“Breuniversity Tour” with his 85-year-old father and a filmcrew. The footage that was captured blended together to create “The Jim Breuer Road Journals,” whichshowcased what life is like on the road with a comedian and his father. Videos from that touralso sparkedthe making of his documentary “More Than Me,” which was shown at the 2009 Montreal Film Festival.In line with his love of family. “Comic Frenzy” focused on what Breuer’s life (and all our lives) trulyconsist of: dealing with the elderly, becoming our parents’ caretakers and what it takes to be a “marriagewarrior.”“I’m adeep-rootedfamily guy with hardcore blue collar roots,” he says. “My father was a World War IIvet and my mom lost her first husband to WWII.As a child growing up inValley Stream, New York,Ilived inlow income housing, then an attic apartment,toeventually moving down the street into a home ofour own, always surrounded by faith and love.My career reached a new level when I started to raise afamily of my own and realized I should stick to what I know, what everyone could relate to no mattertheir socio-economic status. My oldest daughter just went to college and we’ve dealt these past few yearswith mortality issues, and I’m just there to find the funny in that. It all started with ‘Let’s Clear the Air,’which focused on me being a new father who came from another world and who wasn’t prepared for theresponsibilitiesat all.”The crazy state of the world today makes Breuer’s upcoming 2018 tourJim Breuer Liveall themoreessential, as we seek perspective and comic relief from the day to day insanity that drives our 24.7 newscycle and social media. Breuer’s set will be decidedlynon-political,but he will have much toimpartabout the foolishness of ruining our livesover media-generated frenzies that we have no control over.“My huge focus is, listen, stop getting caught up in the hooplathe news, politics and all that jazz,” hesays. “If every day you wake up and you’re watching five to six hours of it, it starts todarken your soul. Ifyou spent even ten percent of that time on your wife, husband, child or someone else you love, yourpersonal life would get better and you could help so many people. I’m here to say that life isn’t thathorrendous. Can you still eat? Can you still watch your 60” plasma TV? Call me when you have to eat asquirrel for breakfast, okay? Do something you can control that’s good, because you can’t fight hate withmore hate. Let’s concentrate on the most important things in life.”“My job as acomic is to talk about the many great loves of my life, recognizing that yes, we are all onborrowed time but we can still enjoy life with a passion and not get caught up in all the madness,” Breueradds.“There are always things that can become an obstacle to our happiness, and the big three for me thatI smack into most are divisions in the family, financial struggles and health issues. For me, there’s nobetter feeling in the world than making someone laugh and knowing that I’ve inspired or healed someone.It’s nice when people tell me I’m funny, but the ones that keep me going are the ones who come up to meand say, ‘Can I just tell you, I just lost my mom, and you healed me. That’s the first time I’ve laughed inages.’ Or ‘My wife and I were fighting,we just experienced death. We knew seeing you was going tohelp. Thank you. We needed this so much.’ We’re not here for very long, and we’re all stuck heretogether. Everybody needs to laugh and be uplifted. We’re here to take care of others. I’m on a mission tolift you in the only way I know how.”